out on October 27th 2023, Neuklang Records

“I’ll be the stranger in a place I’ve known” – ARBRE sound different. Returning to their characteristically expansive sonic realm, they fill it with raw yet profound resonances and sincere yet abstract poetry. In “Mes épaules seront rivières” (translated as “My Shoulders will be Rivers”), their music walks on the concrete pavements of a metropolis. This album is not a refuge; it is a partially transparent mirror. It does not give advice; it observes and interprets, sometimes full of sorrow, sometimes with a damn broad smile and a generous dose of joyful defiance. (…) This album carries more weight, a sense of sobriety. But it is open and vulnerable, as if ARBRE want to say: “My shoulders will be rivers; I belong to the world, and the world belongs to me. We are everything that we are.”


“Mes épaules seront rivières” is an introspective piece that, above all, celebrates the beauty of self-acceptance.


– Sonia Loenne


out on September 22nd 2023, Neuklang Records

Some might think „a sensation like running through a field” is too hippie. Well, okay. What about the feeling of looking down from a mountain’s peak, the feeling of throwing your bag into the car on the morning of the tour’s start? 
That feeling: We are exactly where we should be and we’re on the move. No one wants to stop us, everything is crystal clear, time is on our side and we can let ourselves be drawn into a future that smells like the morning after a thunderstorm. – Sonia Leonne


out on 11th August 2023, Neuklang Records

I’m holding my heart. Or: I am dear to me. I’m holding on to myself when I stumble out of the club’s smoke into the early morning. I’m holding on to myself, when I say what I’ve wanted to say; when I lose my way. When something is taken from me, or when I have really, utterly screwed something up. Or when we’re together and we’re really, really happy. I’m holding on to myself. – Sonia Leonne


out on 14th July 2023, Neuklang Records

“I’ll be the stranger” tells of the uncertain search for belonging, for peace and for ways through the water, to maybe one day build bridges again. A story of restlessness, yet: “I’ll be the stranger I own” – an attempt to accept one’s past. – Sonia Leonne


out on 31th March 2022, UNIT Records

The world is beautiful
The sun shines
The trees grow
And the heart cries